Once upon a time, a romantic couple went to Norway on honeymoon, fell in love and never went back......

This may sound like a strange thing to do but, after many years of searching, Norway was the only place we felt we could live our dream of running a small farm. So here we are.

We bought our farm at Svoen just before Christmas 2009, and, after an agonizing wait to make sure nobody else who might have prior claim on the place wanted to take the farm (complicated Norwegian law), we moved in on Norway's national day, 17th May, 2010. And so the work began.

The farm had not been run for almost twenty years, but at least part of the barn was in good enough condition to allow us to buy 25 beautiful spælsau (old Norwegian breed of sheep) in the autumn of 2010. This autumn we plan to keep a number of their ewe lambs to increase our flock. They will, I am sure, feature regularly in this blog.

We feel very privileged to be able to build up this farm again and, despite the hard work, occasional disappointments and battles against the weather, we don't regret our decision for a moment and know that it will all be worth it!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Spring at Svoen; truly an example of the triumph of hope over experience!  I have always looked forward to spring, after the grey and dreary English winter, however I cannot describe to those of you not snow-bound throughout the winter months, the joy when the white blanket finally begins to recede. The first snowdrops in April are a welcome sight.  Not at Svoen, I hasten to add, but perhaps in the future I will be able to persuade a little colony to survive.  As signs of life begin to appear, you allow yourself to hope that now, spring is really here.  Unfortunately, this year extra snowfalls around Peter's birthday in the middle of April, and again at the beginning of May have put us behind somewhat.  Low temperatures (some days no more than 3 degrees) have meant that the grass is reluctant to grow, so the sheep and their lambs are still incarcerated in the barn.  I'm not sure who will be the happiest when they get turned out; them or us!

As release day for the sheep arrives, I thought I would post some pictures of the lambs.  Generally it all went very well this year, with the minimum of casualties.  We now have some nice lambs who spend their time skipping up and down the feed passage and playing leapfrog with each other.  It will be so nice to see them playing outside finally. 

Kay being very patient!

Now that the snow has gone we have been very busy burning branches and generally tidying up after cutting down the fir trees at the side of the house.  Other projects include ditching and fencing, so we will once again have a very busy spring/summer ahead of us.  For me, there are only another five weeks of school term left, and I am looking forward to the long summer holiday.  Still, no rest for the wicked.....